
Conditions of Umrah Al-Badal

Your Comprehensive Guide to Umrah Al-Badal:Everything You Need to Know

Everything You Need to Know About the Conditions of Performing Umrah on Behalf of Others (Umrah Al-Badl)


Umrah Badl is one of the acts of worship that holds special importance in Islamic law, offering an opportunity for performing Umrah on behalf of someone who is unable to do so due to illness, old age, or other health-related conditions. It is considered an act of righteousness that draws the Muslim closer to Allah and demonstrates feelings of kindness and mercy towards others. In this article, we will cover the details of Umrah Al-Badl, its conditions, its reward with Allah, how to perform it correctly according to Islamic guidelines, and how to book it through the Al-Mu'tamir app. Download it now for more details.


What are the Conditions for Umrah Badl?

The conditions for performing Umrah on behalf of someone include several important points that the Muslim must adhere to for the Umrah to be valid and for the reward to be accepted by Allah. These conditions include:

The person on whose behalf the Umrah is performed must be unable to perform it themselves: This may include individuals suffering from chronic illnesses, the elderly, or those with valid excuses preventing them from traveling or performing the rituals.

The intention must be to perform the Umrah for the specific person: The intention should be sincere, with the Muslim performing the Umrah on behalf of another person, such as parents, relatives, or anyone in need.

The person performing the Umrah must be a mature and sound-minded Muslim: The person who performs the Umrah on behalf of another must be an adult and mentally sound.

The rituals must be performed correctly: The person performing Umrah must follow the correct procedures of the ritual, including Ihram, Tawaf, and Sa'i.

It is not permissible to perform Umrah on behalf of the same person more than once unless there are exceptional circumstances: Generally, Umrah is performed on behalf of a person once unless the person is in a permanent or long-term condition preventing them from doing so.

The person performing Umrah on behalf of someone should have performed their own obligatory Umrah first: It is preferred that the person performing Umrah for another has already completed their own Umrah.

Ensure the person on whose behalf the Umrah is being performed cannot perform it themselves: It is important to verify that the person truly cannot perform Umrah due to their health or physical condition.

Umrah Al-Badl is a highly recommended act in Islam, reflecting the spirit of solidarity and compassion, offering an opportunity to increase one's rewards and expiate sins, and is an excellent way to draw closer to Allah.


Who is Eligible for Umrah Al-Badl?

One of the main conditions of Umrah Al-Badl is that it can be performed on behalf of those who cannot perform Umrah themselves due to health or physical conditions. This includes people with chronic diseases, elderly individuals who are unable to travel or perform the rituals due to weakness or ill health. Umrah Al-Badl can also be performed on behalf of the deceased if they had wished for it before their death or if they were unable to perform Umrah during their lifetime. It is also permissible to perform Umrah on behalf of parents or any other person who needs a proxy due to their health condition. The person performing the Umrah must be an adult, sound-minded, and have performed Umrah themselves. The intention must be clear and directed towards the specific individual.


How to Perform Umrah Al-Badl

The steps to perform Umrah Al-Badl are slightly different from regular Umrah, and it requires following some specific steps according to Islamic law for the Umrah to be valid and accepted by Allah. Here is how to perform Umrah Al-Badl:

Intention (Niyyah): The person performing the Umrah on behalf of another must have the intention to perform Umrah for that specific person (whether they are alive or deceased). The intention is made in the heart and does not need to be declared aloud.

Ihram: The person performing Umrah on behalf of another begins by assuming Ihram from the designated Miqat, just as in regular Umrah. They must wear the Ihram garments (for men) and avoid the prohibited actions, such as cutting hair or trimming nails.

Tawaf: Upon reaching Makkah, the person performing Umrah begins by performing the Tawaf (circumambulation) of the Ka'bah, as is done by anyone performing Umrah.

Sa'i between Safa and Marwah: After Tawaf, the Sa'i (walking) between Safa and Marwah must be performed, which is a fundamental pillar of Umrah, done seven times.

Tawaf Al-Ifadah: After Sa'i, Tawaf Al-Ifadah is performed around the Ka'bah, similar to the regular Umrah rituals.

Shaving or Trimming Hair: After the Tawaf, men shave their heads or trim their hair, while women shorten a small portion of their hair.

Takbeer and Dua: Throughout the rituals, the individual performing Umrah can pray and make Dua for the person they are performing Umrah for, asking Allah to accept the prayers and forgive them.

Renewing the Intention: The person performing Umrah must continuously renew the intention for each part of the ritual on behalf of the individual they are representing.

After completing these rituals, the person has successfully performed Umrah Al-Badl on behalf of the intended individual.



Umrah Al-Badl is one of the most important allowances for Muslims who are unable to perform Umrah themselves due to illness or other special circumstances. With this opportunity, Muslims can perform this great act of worship on behalf of their loved ones with ease and safety. The Al-Mu'tamir app ensures that Umrah rituals are performed correctly, providing you with the chance to earn great rewards and blessings. Seize the opportunity and book now through the Al-Mu'tamir app to be a source of improvement in others' lives and expiation of their sins.